We acknowledge that Designing within Country is not possible without engaging with and being guided by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and recognised knowledge holders.

Reconciliation Action Plan
As architects and designers, we are invested in the creation of meaningful places which sustain people. We are dedicated to innovative thinking and the delivery of cohesive resilient environments which give back to the communities and neighbourhoods they exist within. We are interested in our role as innovators and advocates and think deeply about the lasting impact of our practice on both culture and the environment.
As a practice, we have started our journey of reconciliation by formalising our commitment establishing a Reconciliation Working Group and attaining formal endorsement of our RAP from Reconciliation Australia. The primary objective of our RAP is to seek and facilitate opportunities for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander representation and to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples share in the benefits from the use of their cultural knowledge. We recognise the value of First Nations-led design process and seek to respect the right of self-determination in the application of traditional knowledge in our design practice.
With this deep respect, we are investing in space for reflection and learning as we strive to practice gratitude for what is shared, listen with humility, and support sustainable empowering relationships.
Access our Reflect RAP here or via Reconciliation Australia website.