

Hayball’s response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

01 March 2020

Authored by Hayball

First and foremost, on behalf of everyone at Hayball, we hope you are holding up in these very challenging circumstances.

Hayball, as with all Australians, is responding to the coronavirus pandemic as it unfolds, taking a precautionary approach aligned with government and health authority advice. We write to advise you of the following measures that have been, or may be, put in place to support our staff, clients and partners.

We are responding as the situation changes, and Hayball intends to continue to operate through these difficult times. We will continue to keep our clients and partners advised of any further changes to our working practices.

Working from home

All studios are now working from home effectively with full remote access for staff to continue delivering our projects.

We are committed to delivering our projects and will continue to collaborate and work with partners and clients.

We recommend that you continue to contact Hayball staff through the ‘normal’ channels. If you wish to telephone staff, please use direct numbers wherever possible. Hayball’s main telephone number will continue to remain active and monitored.

Meetings and travel

All meetings with Hayball staff are now held ‘on line’. Hayball staff utilise Microsoft Teams as the main platform for video conferencing, however other systems (Skype / Zoom / Cisco / Google etc) are also available where required.

Face to face meetings, such as site visits / meetings may be facilitated where absolutely necessary and we will advise on any required procedures in advance of a meeting. Alternatively we are also able to attend site visits through VC connections on mobile devices.

Our priority is to ensure the health and wellbeing of our Hayball team, partners and clients, as well as the community around us. If you have any questions about our capacity and response, please don’t hesitate to discuss with any of the Hayball Directors or senior staff.

We hope you, your colleagues and your family stay healthy and safe.