

Towards Gender Equity

20 March 2025

Authored by Hayball

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)* has for the second time published gender equity data for all Australian companies with over 100 staff, and this includes Hayball.

Hayball hugely supports this important initiative as a tool to improve workplace diversity and inclusion; increased industry-wide transparency and discussion are critical in understanding and improving gender equity.

Over the last 12-month reporting period:

  • Hayball’s average gender pay gap has reduced from 15.6% to 13.6%
  • Hayball’s median pay gap has reduced from 16.7% to 15.4%

We are proud of what we have achieved, and it is great to see meaningful improvement in our pay equity figures. We have strong female representation in our leadership group, and we are immensely proud that:

  • We achieve a minimum of 40% female ownership at Hayball both by value and by number of shares
  • We achieve overall gender equity in the total number of our staff
  • We have a gender-balanced Co-MD role
  • We achieve a minimum 30% gender balance within our governing body
  • 83% of promotions in the reporting period were to female staff

Our gender pay gap remains outside our 5% target however, and there is much more work to do in addressing gender equity. Looking at the figures in a finer grain, we acknowledge that whilst our more junior numbers are fairly well balanced, we have a disproportionate number of males within our senior team, and this is where the gender pay gap occurs.

To address this, it is critical that we continue to provide pathways and support for our future female leaders. Some of the key actions that we already undertake to help us improve gender equity at Hayball include:

  • GROW mentoring program
  • Gender-equal parental leave program and flexible working policies
  • Our numerous cultural and social programs, which celebrate diversity and equity in all its forms
  • Annual salary reviews conducted practice-wide, with a focus on all team members being paid equitably relative to their experience level
  • Regular updates to our policies and internal guides

We are committed to workplace change and continued improvement over the next five years, and we look forward to reporting again on our WGEA data next year.

* The Workplace Gender Equality Agency is an Australian Government statutory agency created by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.