St Peter’s College - Hayball

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St Peter’s College Cranbourne East, Melbourne

The development of an all-new campus reflects contemporary education principles and is being delivered under a staged construction program.

Having redefined its planning direction to align with more contemporary education principles, St Peter’s College enlisted Hayball to review its master plan, responding directly to the school’s revised pedagogy. This updated master plan led to the development of specific year level building configurations and a model of integrated, cross-curricula learning and teaching. It has sought to define Learning Neighbourhoods around a central ‘agora’ and also allow future flexibility in the delivery of VET and TAFE programs as well as community facilities.

The first project realised under this new master plan is a learning centre for Years 7 and 8, the Sr Rosemary Graham RSM building. The building is divided into two wings to accommodate each year level, separated by an Innovation Hub which provides the focus for integrated learning in a rich and immersive environment. It is positioned to provide its own defined precinct yet be inter-connected with the campus as a whole. Its design provides an intensive learning setting with all spaces interconnecting visually and physically with two courtyards to promote external learning.

Hayball is now engaged for subsequent stages of construction.