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Bills Street Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country | Hawthorn, VIC

As part of the Victoria Public Housing Renewal Program, Hayball was commissioned to masterplan and design approximately 250 new dwellings on Bills Street in Hawthorn. The project’s primary goal was to replace outdated walk-up units with modern, integrated housing for both public and private tenants, while strengthening connections with the surrounding community. The development delivers 206 social and affordable housing homes, increasing the site’s social housing capacity by 98%.

In collaboration with Tract Landscape Architects, Hayball focused on a series of landscape and public realm enhancements, prioritizing pedestrians and cyclists in the design. The masterplan consists of six distinct buildings, strategically arranged to respond to the site’s natural topography. The open spaces are thoughtfully designed to foster connections with local retail, vast green spaces, and sporting facilities.

The building designs aim to provide high levels of amenity for all residents, with a ‘tenure-blind’ approach that ensures equitable access to public, communal, and private spaces. The use of textured brickwork on the ground plane unites the buildings with their surroundings, creating tactile thresholds and strong visual links at a pedestrian scale. At the podium levels, green walls and a variegation of materials add depth and interest, enhancing a vertical architectural language.

Hayball worked closely with Development Victoria and Homes Victoria to create presentation packages and facilitate extensive community consultation workshops, ensuring the project met the needs and aspirations of the local residents.

  • Architecture
  • Interior Design
  • Urban Design
Project Status

Completed 2024


Homes Victoria